School starts *gulp* TODAY for me. Yes, today! I am taking 3 classes this go round - all online. Meteorology (yippee- I think I used to be a meteorologist in my past life), another government class (Not that I love government, but it is being taught by my previous gov't teacher - and he was great!), and Mythology. I am not looking forward to that third class, but it is one I have to have. On Friday, I was checking out my classes and performing a degree audit, which is just a fancy term for "what do I need to graduate", and I realized that I only need to classes to graduate with a Psych degree. I think I am going to go ahead and graduate next semester. I'm not going to walk, because the commencement is in May and we will be in Greece sometime around then, so I will just transfeer my happy self to the University of Central Florida to finish a psych degree. What happened to my beloved sign language degree? Well, after some research, I discovered that I could either take the classes I need at the College for a mere 375 PER CLASS or I could take the classes I need at the Sign Language Institute here and pay only 100 per class....hmmm...I might need to think about this one.
Did anyone watch the Kentucky Derby on Saturday. I didn't...and I am so glad. What is the point of this, really? Is there a point in making these beautiful creatures run themselves until they BREAK THEIR LEGS..and then - they continue to run. The filly, Eight Belles, that had to be put down on the track apparantly didn't stop running when she had two compound fractures (where the bone comes out of the skin)....becuase that is what she is trained to do. I just find it pointless. It is just sad. Sorry for the vent, but I felt it needed to be said.
Tonight is our "off night" for shooting -- we've been going every other Monday - So, we are going to go eat - there's a new Italian restaurant here in Clermont that I have heard is so delicious.
What else have we been up to?
Saturday my two brothers and I took my mom to Epcot for the Flower and Garden Festival. It was amazing and so beautiful! YEsterday, we went for our Sunday breakfast ritual and then My mom and I ran back up to this little bridal show. IT was super small, but I found the person who is going to shoot our engagement pictures. She seems really cool.
Dave roto-tilled (sp?) the yard yesterday around the porch and I began the process of steamcleaning upstairs and taping off one of the upper bedrooms to paint!
Finally, last Wednesday I bought my wedding dress:) and I also picked out the styles for the bridesmaids dresses - There are five styles and everyone gets to pick their own! I am sending emails out later tonight to everone with those details. I think that's all that is happening here.
Oh, still need to find homes for kittens - Tami: Let me know if you can pick yours up Friday at the airport - you'll know which one is yours, it'll be the one that is hanging from the TOP of the cage and meowing the meow where you know something really bad is about to happen if it doesn't get out of the cage - You know, the one that goes to the BAD part of your brain:)
Love you all!
Picture of the day: Me and my cousins:) My loves!!

1 comment:
Ha-ha! Such a funny girl!
Actually, my little Florida kitty is feeling lonely and homesick and would love to come stay with Auntie Bobbi! He would love to hang out with his puppy-cousins!
:) Love you! Tami
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