What's new with us so far this week?
Monday we went to the dermatologist for Dave's psoriasis. They gave him a script for a new ointment that has great results. The other ointment that he had worked amazing except on him knuckles and knees...so this one is stronger and they say it should make it almost disappear!! He can eventually go in for shots - he isn't opposed to the shots, the doctor just says it does something to the immune systems - like, if he gets a cold, it would make him have the cold a little worse. He doesn't really want to mess with that, so this will work! While we were there, we saw a little girl, maybe 5 or so and she had psoriasis and I thought to myself - The advances that have been made in science and treatments are so awesome that kids can have a cure for this!!
I went to the neurologist on Wednesday. He is so great! He is keeping me on the "miracle" drug (that's what I call it) for now..it has reduced my migraines from two horrific bed bound ones per week to only one bad one this entire six weeks. I am going to go see him in 10 weeks and give him the results and see where we go from there. Right now though, I am just happy to have this working for me and look forward to a Migraine Free Wedding Day!! Yippeeee!!
I think that is the most that has happened this week -- Palms are doing well! We are going to shoot on Monday night at the range. Saturday, my mom and I are going to get my wedding dress and get the account set up so all the bridesmaids can get their dresses. It sure has been busy around here! School ends this week but starts right back up on May 5th! Next semester, I am taking Meteorology ( I swear I was born to be a weather girl...:)) , Developmental Psychology, and Mythology in Humanities. A full load, but necessary!! I really need to have several more electives, so that's why the meterology class and then I need to satisfy my Humanities classes requirements! Well, that's all for now! The weather here is great, 80's during the day and then 60's at night..just beautiful! We do need rain though - so pray for rain for us so we don't get into a bad forest fire situation!!
Love everyone!!

Taken at Clearwater Beach
1 comment:
Dave has psoriasis? *I* have psoriasis... I've had a rash ALL over for 3 years... and FINALLY found out that's what it is last month. They've got me on a steroid cream right now. It seems to be working some.
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