The life and times of two people....and five dogs...spending their lives happily together.
You know, for the last week I have felt completely overwhelmed, by work, by school, by it all. I had a mini-breakdown on the way to the grocery store because sometimes I feel like I am juggling. Each task that I have to do is a ball and I feel like I have too many to keep in the air at one time. I do it to myself, and I know that. Dave is great at offering to help and to do whatever he can - but the things that I need to do right now that are overwhelming are things he can't do. He is certainly not going to do my school work, that's a funny thought:) I just feel like from the time I get home to when he is home, there is no time for me. I am upstairs getting the guest bedrooms ready, I do clean the house everyday, but with tile floors - it is unavoidable, I get dinner ready, try to do homework and then....what for me. It will get better, I just have to learn a better balance I guess. Sorry for the vent.
This weekend -- a three day weekend!! Dave and I actually have two days off together! Who knows what we will do? Tomorrow morning, I am in a 5k with my mom. Kelly & casey are driving down tonight and we are going to get Kelly's bridesmaids dress tomorrow. Sunday, I think we are going to grill out and then Monday I would love to go to the range to shoot. Dave finally received his Conceal Carry Permit, so he's packing heat in his backpack! I can't wait for mine! I already know which gun I am going to carry...it's small but will serve it's purpose if God forbid I ever have to use it!
Still planning the wedding! I have my rough draft done for the invitations and the card stock and envelopes are here already, I just need to print them and put them together. We should go for our cake and meal tasting in June sometime. We are going to be ordering the guys clothes as soon as I have all of the sizes. Many more things to do, but it is a fun job to take on!! I think that is all that's going on! Hope everyone is happy and healthy! We are!!
Is this Fair??
I'm kidding. Last week, our washer died and we decided to just go ahead and buy a new washer. So, that's the story on the new washer! I like the one that I bought - mid range price level, no fancy anything -- it washes...I am happy with that!
The story on the bike? Well we have two bikes that are both paid off (actually we have four, but that is a different story). One of the bikes is our '05 600. It's a great bike, but as soon as we bought it, Dave ran it on the track and ran it on the track hard. So, it's going to go quicker than the usual bike would with just normal street driving. The second bike is his '01 929. This bike we call Old Faithful, it has I think 40,000 miles on it?! Parts and pieces are starting to go bad on it. It's time for a new bike....this is Dave's main mode of transportation 1) because he enjoys it and 2) because gas prices are so expensive. So, it's time. We are going tomorrow to the dealership he worked for before this one to talk to the GM and see what kind of deal we can get with trading both in. Hopefully, the GM will make it an even trade save for a couple of thousand dollars. We hope. If they don't give him a good trade-in value for the 929, then we will sell that one on Ebay and we will go from there!!
Other stuff:
School is going fine. Homework might kick my butt thought. I finally had to say on Friday night, "No more homework" and sit down with Dave and relax.
The kittens STILL need a home. Tami. So. Not. Kidding. Now.
It is starting to get warmer here. I guess that's all that needs to be said about that. We do need the rain though. Bad.
I am scheduling an appointment for us to have our engagement photos taken in the next few weeks. This should be interesting: This is the type of smile I get from Dave. Christmas. All of it:) He is such a goof!!
Other than that, we are happy and healthy and couldn't ask for more!
Happy Mother's Day everyone!