Taken at Clearwater Beach
The life and times of two people....and five dogs...spending their lives happily together.
Taken at Clearwater Beach
There's two balck ones that look like twins, a tan puffy one, a calico puffy one and a grey and white one. The last one is the runt and they are all cute.
Tonight we decided to do something we haven't done in a long time, NOTHING!! We are going to go to Blockbuster and rent a movie and just relax! We need it so much. Next weekend, we are going to pressure wash the house and start to repair the cracks in the concrete blocks. Then, the weekend after that, we are going to start painting the house. Inside, I have the bedroom finished and am now starting on the bathroom. Upstairs, I am not really into the colors that I painted the spare bedroom that used to be Mike's room. It is a yellow color with black stripes. I am thinking about painting it something different, I just don't know what. Maybe the same colors as the bedroom??
Lastly, finals for me are this week. I am already registered for the next semester -- 3 classes! Wish me luck and say a prayer that it goes well as I'll be studying more along with finishing up our wedding!!
Gemini wouldn't get out of the way - so I took the photo as he was looking for somewhere to "water".
Next is a photo of My baby - Mr. Moo. He's the calf that my mom and I have raised from the dead. When we found him, he was really on death's doorstep and we brought him back to health and now he is so healthy and happy. He is such a beautiful bull and I have to decide if I want to steer him. I think I will leave him a bull though!
I am going to try to post every day or at least as much as I can because I eventually want to be able to print this up as a journal of sorts for our life. I have posts from my other blog from the time I met Dave until about a year ago, so I can combine those.
I think that's all for now! More updates as things happen - which is all of the time around here!!