I do. And I am so excited. Don't think that I am strange..but, here is a picture of it:

This is my new best friend. It's a Springfield XD 9MM. Dave and I have been going to Shoot Straight Shooting Range in Apopka for about a month now on Monday nights. On Mondays, they have free shooting for women. This has been such an empowering experience. I feel so strong and able to take care of myself whatever may come my way. I am getting to be a better shot and Monday the 25th, we are taking a concealed weapons class. My mom was a tad shocked to find out that I was going to start carrying a gun in my purse all the time. You know, Dave and I were discussing Sunday while we were driving around in Orlando that we live in a very safe area. It makes us realize that when we are driving around in areas that are, well, not so safe. Even still, I want to be able to have a fighting chance were something to happen to me. I want to be able to defend myself. And now I can.